Applications for the Another Route fellowship have now closed.
This is a unique opportunity for a group of England-based performance makers to embark upon a remarkable journey to internationalise their creative practice through an 18-month programme of events and residencies taking place across the world.
The project will involve 12 artists or companies becoming Another Route fellows and embarking on an 18-month programme incorporating five key elements:
1. Mentoring by an internationally experienced UK performance company
2. Participation in three lab events, one residential lab in England and two taking place internationally, which will be opportunities to explore other artistic cultures and meet a range of different artists and programmers
3. A dialogue and exchange process with a carefully chosen international colleague – be they an artist, writer, creative producer, activist or someone else whose skills and knowledge are relevant to the participating artist/company’s practice
4. A 2-week residency with a different international partner for each artist/company
5. A seed commission supported by Jerwood Arts and a brokered commission / development partnership with a UK and international partner to develop new work during the residency.
In order to participate in the project, each artist or company will receive:
An honorarium of £1,125 towards your time spent in 15 mentoring /dialogue sessions. This honorarium is based on an allocation of £75 for each session to cover the meeting and any prep/reflection time which should be equivalent to half a day maximum (per session).
A fee of £1,800 to support 1 representative of each artist/company to attend each of the 3 lab events. This is calculated on a maximum of 5 days per lab, including travel days at the rate of £600 per week/lab.
A fee of £600 per person per week to support up to 4 artists to participate and attend the 2-week residency (i.e. £1,200 to support one artist, £2,400 to support two artists, £3,600 to support three artists and £4,800 to support to support four artists).
A £3,500 seed commission for each company/individual artist to develop a new work.
In addition Another Route will support all costs and arrange logistics associated with:
Access support
Domestic UK travel for labs
International travel & ground transport for labs & residencies
Accommodation for labs & residencies
Costs associated with visas, permits, vaccinations and health tests necessary for international travel
Per diems / Subsistence at a relevant local rate for labs & residencies
Travel and other necessary insurances for international working
Another Route is a project designed by artists for artists, built upon a spirit of internationalism and a shared understanding of the benefits of ensuring generosity, mutuality and collaboration are central to how we connect with the rest of the world.
Artists and companies who are interested in applying for Another Route should download the Project Brief which outlines how the programme will work and the process for applying.
We have also provided information on the criteria by which applications will be assessed and a set of answers to further questions you may have about the project.
All these documents are also available in large font and easy read formats and as audio tracks.
For all additional enquiries please email
Advice & Information Surgeries will be held on:
Tue 18 Jan 2022,13:00-14:00
Wed 26 Jan 2022, 18:30-19:30
Thu 10 Feb 2022, 12:00-13:00 (Black and global majority only)
To book for one of these surgeries, please follow this link to our eventbrite page.
The deadline for applications is 14 February 2022. Applications can be made via the Artsadmin applications portal. Please also fill out an equal opportunities form.
Another Route is a project led by Forest Fringe, Total Theatre Network and Artsadmin, with programme producer Daniel Kok and a consortium of leading independent artists and companies from across the UK.
Another Route is supported by Arts Council England’s National Lottery Project Grants programme, the British Council and Jerwood Arts.
Advice & Information Surgery
If you would like further information but were unable to attend our advice and information surgery, you can watch this recording to find out more about applying for Another Route.